Torbe Professionali

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Torbe professionali Shamrock Nursery Stock

Nursery Stock


Sphagnum Moss Peat: 0 – 14mm 65%
Sphagnum Moss Peat: 10 – 25mm 35%
N P (P205) K (K20)
120 60 (140) 200 (240)
pH Range: 4.7 – 5.3
Conductivity SC Range: 24-33mS/m
AFP*: 15% volume approx

Product Uses
Coarse structured growing medium with high air capacity for potting on long term nursery stock crops in containers > 2 litres.

*AFP = (Air Filled Porosity)

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Torbe professionali Shamrock Pot Plant

Pot Plant


Sphagnum Moss Peat: 0 – 14mm 65%
Sphagnum Moss Peat: 6 – 12mm 35%
N P (P205) K (K20)
180 90 (210) 300 (360)
pH Range: 5.3 – 5.7
Conductivity SC Range: 33-45mS/m
AFP*: 12% volume approx

Product Uses
For all specialist pot plant requiring better aeration and low salt levels in pot size >12cm.

*AFP = (Air Filled Porosity)

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Torbe professionali Shamrock Potting



Sphagnum Moss Peat: 0 – 14mm 100%
N P (P205) K (K20)
300 90 (200) 300 (400)
pH Range: 5.3 – 5.7
Conductivity SC Range: 38-50mS/m
AFP*: 9% volume approx


Product Uses
For potting on a wide range of bedding, pot plants, basket and container crops in pot sizes 7-11cm. Contains a specialised fertiliser with 50% slow release nitrogen which feeds plants for up to six weeks.

*AFP = (Air Filled Porosity)

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Torbe professionali Shamrock Bedding



Sphagnum Moss Peat: 0 – 14mm 100%

N P (P205) K (K20)
180 90 (210) 300 (360)
pH Range: 5.3 – 5.7
Conductivity SC Range: 33-45mS/m
AFP*: 9% volume approx

Product Uses
Ideal for short term food and ornamental bedding crops in trays, multi-packs and pots.

*AFP = (Air Filled Porosity)

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Torba professionale Shamrock Seed & Modular

Shamrock Seed & Modular


Sphagnum Moss Peat: 0 – 3mm 80%
Dense Black Fine Peat: 20%
N P (P205) K (K20)
120 60 (140) 200 (240)
pH Range: 5.3 – 5.7
Conductivity SC Range: 24-33mS/m
AFP*: 6 – 8% volume approx


Product Uses

For propagation from seed and cuttings especially designed for modular transplants.


Technical Information

 AFP* (Air-filled porosity) This is a measure of the degree of aeration in a growing medium and is defined as that portion of the media volume which contains air after saturation and drainage. Peats with higher AFP values are better drained, have a lower water-holding capacity and are better oxygenated than other peats. They are most appropriate for plants with a higher demand for oxygen, for longer-term crops, for growing systems where there is frequent irrigation (e.g. ebb and flood) and when the compost naturally stays wet for long periods – as in winter.

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